Smart Integrated Incidence Management System from NFire

An advanced automated fire station alerting system can help your department decrease response times and deploy resources faster, while reducing stress on both dispatchers and first responders.

The Smart Integrated Incidence Management System from NFire minimizes complexities to increase the speed of communication

NFire SIIMS is an advance integrated system which uses the latest technology advancements like IoT, Cloud computing, Mobile technology and communication technology integration to reduce operational complexity and increase the incident response speed


NFire SIIMS Server is capable of recording and analyzing incidence related information like type of fire, exact address of fire location, etc. which is very critical when dealing with any emergencies. On ground command responders can report to the incident commander and the command centre using the NFire SIIMS Mobility platform. The NFire SIIMS VOIP server helps connect hi-tech VOIP systems and record all calls which can be used for further analytical and investigating purposes. The system is set up in such a way that any fire incident reported automatically or by call will be assigned to on duty Fire Officer by itself and all the required information can be viewed on his mobile phone. Once the fire tender and the fire fighters reach the location the actual reporting and the communication will be done via the Mobile App. The whole system is connected with command centre and the cloud server where the command officers’ acts as an operational body
The Command Centre is the nerve of this Incident Management System as it has the Smart Data Centre, highly skilled the fire fighters, & cutting-edge devices. The fire tenders will be provided with GPS location of the fire detected place as it is enabled with GPS navigation system & so the fire tender will reach the correct location in no time during any emergency. Also, GPS trackers fitted on the fire tender to get the location will be able to update all real time events using the NFire SIIMS mobility platform so that the incidence commander at the command centre can make informed decision quicker and coordinate more resources if needed